

How does advertisements influence people’s behavior?


In subtle and unique ways, advertisements have been influencing people’s decisions and lifestyle choices for years if not centuries. They even alter people’s behavior without their own consent and self-realization. It is important to utilize them for your product’s marketing campaign.

PR agency in mumbai have understood a lot of ways and strategies through which advertisements have seen to persuade people in order to take daily decisions to buy a product.

Let’s take a closer look into how advertising firms in Mumbai are using ads for their profits

  • 1)       Call to action – persuading viewer to take a particular action (buy now, click here etc.)
  • 2)      Product information- teaching the viewer how the products works or how to use them
  • 3)      Consumer behavior- minimizing doubts and negative attitude towards the product
  • 4)      Easy shopping- allows the viewer to remove choice paralysis and choose the right product
  • 5)      Value provision- informs the viewer about the price, discounts and other offers
  • 6)      Brand interactions- establishing the reputation of brands among the viewers and users

What are psychological concepts behind marketing through advertisements?

  • 1)      Mechanistic- using psychoanalysis, repetition of an ad convinces the viewer to buy a product
  • 2)      Persuasive- using creativity to trigger intuition of the viewer to buy the product
  • 3)      Projective- matching viewer’s interests and opinions with the product promotion
  • 4)      Suggestive- using anxiety, fear and stress to tap into the viewer’s thoughts

How do successful ads use psychology?

  • 1)      Characteristics
  • 2)      Repetition
  • 3)      Price
  • 4)      Channel

Flags communications is a creative agency in Mumbai who have understood and implemented these strategies for both small and multinational companies worldwide. They use clear indicators to measure the ROI and traffic rate to make sure your campaigns are successful and effective.

Visit Flags communications today and get the opportunity to take your product’s promotion to the next level.

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